Ethical principles of artificial intelligence in financial and banking sector of China and Russia (a comparative legal aspect)

  • Ella V.Gorian. Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia


Abstract. The object of the study is the ethical regulation of the artificial intelligence (AI) technologies use in financial-banking sector. The subject of the study is the Chinese and Russian regulations comprising the standards for the deployment and application of the AI technologies. The aim of the study is to determine the features of Chinese and Russian approaches to the ethical regulation of AI use. The methodology comprises the general scientific (system-structural and formal-logical methods) and special legal methods of cognition
(comparative-legal and formal-legal methods). AI ethical regulations in China cover all aspects of its use and focus on the security of personal data, freedom of competition, and liability issues. The Chinese authorities emphasize the principle of non-discrimination towards certain social groups and state provinces to diminish the gap of digital technologies use on a national scale and to unite the nation. Ethical principles in Russia are applied exclusively in civilian (non-military) field for AI use. The particular attention is paid to the control of recursive self-improvement of AI systems, and to the issue of dominative governmental involvement in a case of so-called strong AI systems. The ambiguity arises in terms of the norm on liability for the negative consequences of the AI use, which requires a legal clarification, as well as the term ‘national priorities’ while determining the ‘benefit to people’. Ethical standards for the AI use in the financial and banking sector are ab-
sent in Russia: the Bank of Russia still relies on general regulations for the personal data protection and risk management standards.
Keywords: artificial intelligence, ethics, fintech, financial regulator, information security, China.
